Tuesday 16 January 2018

January 16 : It is skill, not strength, that governs a ship.

On this day, 16 Jan....

1795 - Jacob Perkins, of Newburyport, Massachusetts, was awarded a U.S. patent for a machine for cutting and heading nails.

1818 - The Rana of Udaipur signed a treaty with the British to protect Mewar.

1866 - Everett Hosmer Barney patented the all-metal screw clamp skates, which attached to normal shoes and were tightened with a key. Clamp skates dropped out of popularity with the advent of modern athletic shoes, which lacked a hard edge where the roller skates could be clamped.

1868 - A patent for a refrigerator car, “ice box on wheels,” was granted to William Davis, a fish dealer in Detroit, US. (He also designed the first railroad refrigerated car).

1877 - In colder regions the floors are covered by 'moquettes'. In 1877 on this day, Halcyon Skinner, US, patented a power loom designed to securely weave tufting material into the carpet suitable for the 'Moquette'.

1894 - Canadian inventor Theodore Witte was issued a U.S. patent for a "Puttying-Tool" to improve the application "of putty to window sashes and similar things." The putty is placed in a tube fitted with a nozzle at one end, and a ratcheted lever-operated piston at the other which moves longitudinally through the body in order to squeeze the compound out through the nozzle. The method has since been adopted to apply a variety of construction materials, including caulking and glue.

1909 -British explorer Ernest Shackleton claimed to have found the magnetic south pole.

1920 - 1st assembly of League of Nations in Paris.

1936 - The first photofinish camera was installed (at a U.S. racetrack).

1939 - Popular comic strip "Superman" debuts.

1942 - Jawaharlal Nehru succeeds Gandhi as head of Indian National Congress.

1957 - Three B-52's took off from Castle Air Force Base in California on the first nonstop, round-the-world flight by jet planes. The trip lasted 45 hours and 19 minutes.

1969 - Two manned Soviet Soyuz spaceships (Soviet Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5) became the first vehicles to dock in space and transfer personnel.

2000 - P. Moses, Indian High Commission Staff member, badly beaten up and abducted by Pakistani intelligence operators in Islamabad.


1920 - Nani Palkhiwala, famous law expert.

1926 - O. P. Nayyar, music composer. (Often labelled as “individualistic”, “aloof”, and a “maverick”, Omkar Prakash Nayyar may have been all that, but few would deny that he was among the leading musical talents in the Hindi film industry of the 1950s and 1960s. Who can forget the lilting 'reshmi salwar kurta jaali ka'?).

1946 - Kabir Bedi, actor.

1938 - Sarat Chandra Chatterji, famous Bengali novelist and writer.

1989 - Prem Nazir, actor.

1997 - Dr. Datta Samant, Trade Union leader, shot dead in Mumbai.

You may have known....

The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth came from Russia's Vostok Station, where records show the air plunged to a bone-chilling minus 128.6 degrees F (minus 89.2 degrees C) on July 21,1983.

Economic News

*IT Dept seeking restoration of deregistered companies that have pending income tax liabilities to recover it's dues.

*As per the new insolvency rule ,the liquidation value of a company facing insolvency proceedings will remain confidential.

*SBI cut base rate by 30 bps ,most banks set to follow this.

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