Sunday 3 June 2018

June 3 : The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

On this day, 03 June...

1818 - The third and final Maratha War between British & Maratha Confederacy in India ends. (Peshwa Baji Rao II's forces, supported by those of Mudhoji II Bhonsle of Nagpur and Malharrao Holkar III of Indore, rose against the East India Company. Pressure and diplomacy convinced the fourth major Maratha leader, Daulatrao Shinde of Gwalior, to remain neutral even though he lost control of Rajasthan. British victories were swift, resulting in the breakup of the Maratha Empire and the loss of Maratha independence). 

1856 - Cullen Whipple, of US, patented a screw-blank feeder mechanism.    He invented the machine and various other devices for cutting the threads of screws.    He has been credited as the inventor of the first practical machine for pointing screws. Early screws had no point and required that a starter hole is drilled before use. 

1880 - Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first wireless telephone message on his newly-invented photophone. The photophone functioned similarly to the telephone; the difference was that the photophone used light as a means for projecting the information, while the telephone used electricity.

1898 -  The first paid Marconigrams were sent.

1947 - British Government issued the partition plan, which was worked out by Lord Louis Mountbatten in New Delhi and was accepted by both Muslim League and Congress. The salient features of the partition were: 
  • 1) Provinces of Bengal and Punjab to be divided. 
  • 2) The Indians will form the constitution of India and it will only be applicable in the areas where people accept it. 
  • 3) The province of Baluchistan shall adopt proper ways to decide its future. 
  • 4) 562 Princely States shall be free to decide their own future. 
  • 5) The referendum shall be held in N.W.F.P. and Assam. 
  • 6) The Governor General of both countries shall be the executive head of their respective countries. 
  • 7) Military assets shall be divided between the two countries.
  • 8) Red Cliff Mission was set up, to demarcate the boundaries of the two countries. India would become free on 15th August 1947.

1965 - The first American astronaut to make a spacewalk was Major Edward White II, when he spent 20 minutes outside the Gemini 4 capsule during Earth orbit at an altitude of 120 miles.   Soviet cosmonaut Aleksei A. Leonov had made the first-ever spacewalk for 10 minutes about three months earlier.

1970 - Har Gobind Khorana and colleagues announced the first synthesis of a gene from chemical components.

1985 - The week comprising of five working days was implemented in Indian Central Government Offices for their staff.

1989 - Beginning of the Tiananmen Square Massacre as Chinese troops open fire on pro-democracy supporters in Beijing.

1999 - Flight Lieutenant K. Nachiketa is handed over by the International Committee of the Red Cross to the Indian High Commissioner inside the High Commission premises. (He was captured by Pakistani troops in Kashmir following ejection from his MiG-27 aircraft after his engine was hit by Pakistani Stinger missile). 

2014 - The U.S. government will recognize and provide finances to the new Palestinian government, formed by a coalition of Islamist groups Fatah and Hamas; the U.S. considers Hamas a terrorist group, but officials plan to monitor the new government's actions to ensure neutrality and commitment to achieving peace with Israel.


1751 - Henry Shrapnel, English soldier, and inventor of the Shrapnel shell, a spherical case designed to explode in midair, spreading its content of small lead musket balls to injure enemy soldiers over a wide area.

1890 - Khan Abdul Gafar Khan, follower of Mahatma Gandhi.

1912 - Sohrab Pirojsha Godrej, great industrialist.

1924 - Muthuvel Karunanidhi, politician, and playwright.

1930 - George John Fernandes, social reformer and politician.

1962 - Sarika, actor.

1967 – Randeep Surjewala, politician.


1989 - Ayatollah Khomeini [Ruhollah Khomeini], Supreme leader of Iran (1979-89).

2013 – Jiah Khan, actor.


1946 - 1st bikini bathing suit displayed (Paris).

You may have known…

The Beatles' first band name was The Quarrymen. They also briefly changed their name to Johnny and the Moondogs.

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