Saturday 3 March 2018

March 01 : Failures fall in love with excuses. A VERY HAPPY AND COLORFUL HOLI.

On this day, 01 Mar....

1260 - Hulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis, conquerors Damascus.

1640 - Britishers were allowed to do commercial activities in Madras.

1818 - Singhgad won by the Britishers after the end of Peshwa kingdom.

1864 - Rebecca Lee Crumpler became the first black woman to receive an American medical degree, from the New England Female Medical College in Boston.

1866 - John Muir's workplace was destroyed by fire. The factory, near Meaford, Canada, was not only where he worked as a woodworker and inventor of tools, but also where he stored his inventions, and a stock of wood he part-owned, all of which were lost in the fire. At the age of 27, he changed his lifestyle to that of a naturalist and author.(John Muir was a Scottish-American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States).

1896 - Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity when he developed a photographic plate he left in a desk drawer with crystals of a uranium compound upon it. He found a fogged image of the uranium crystals resting on it, although the plate was wrapped in heavy black paper.

1912 - Captain Albert Berry performed the first parachute jump from an airplane over Jefferson, U.S.A. Previously, Berry had many times parachuted from a balloon. This time, he left his seat in the two-passenger Benoist pusher bi-plane while it was flying at a speed of about 50 m.p.h., at an altitude of about 1500-ft. The parachute was stowed underneath the aircraft in a specially constructed case. He cut it loose and descended on a trapeze bar attached below it. (Leonardo da Vinci drew a parachute in 1485. With two very large umbrellas, Frenchman Louis-Sébastien Lenormand tested the concept by jumping from a tree in 1783. The first parachute jump from a hydrogen balloon was made by Frenchman André-Jacques Garnerin on 22 Oct 1797).

1921 - A Diver's Suit invention was patented by Harry Houdini.

1954 - At Bikini, in the Pacific Ocean, the blast of the U.S. hydrogen bomb code-named Bravo was the most powerful of all U.S. thermonuclear bomb tests in the area. Equivalent to at least 15 megatons of TNT, it was similar to 1,000 atomic bombs of the kind dropped on Hiroshima. Bikini is a Pacific archipelago that is part of the Marshall Islands. In this test, one of the atolls was totally vaporized and disappeared in the over 100-mile wide mushroom cloud. Fallout exceeded predictions. Earlier tests began in 1946 after the indigenous people were evacuated to an island believed to be a safe distance away. (They have moved again in 1949.) Radioactivity made the bomb site islands an unsafe wasteland for many decades to follow.

1966 - The mission of the Soviet Union's unmanned spacecraft Venera 3 (Venus 3) was a partial success when it reached Venus and automatically released a small landing capsule intended to explore the planet's atmosphere during a parachute descent. However, contact had been lost since 16 Feb 1966. Although no data was returned before the capsule impacted, it became the first man-made object to touch the surface of another planet.

1975 - Colour television transmissions begin in Australia.

1997 - Gopi Chand and P.V.V. Lakshmi retain individual titles and India takes team titles in SAARC badminton in Colombo.

2000 - P.Harikrishna becomes India's youngest International Master in the Sangli International chess tournament.


1917 - Kartar Singh Duggal, a famous author.

1939 - Air Chief Marshal Satish Kumar Sareen, former Air Chief.

1983 - Mary Kom, boxer.


1994 - Manmohan Desai, screenwriter.

1995 - Iftikar, famous character actor.


1869 - Postage stamps showing scenes are issued for the 1st time.

1962 - K-Mart opens. (Kmart is an American chain of discount department stores headquartered in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, US. The chain purchased Sears for $11 billion in 2005, forming a new corporation under the name Sears Holdings Corporation).

1978 - Charlie Chaplin's coffin and remains are stolen from a Swiss cemetery.

You may have known....

Lath mar Holi is a local celebration of the Hindu festival of Holi. It takes place well before the actual Holi in the town of Barsana near Mathura in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The name means "that Holi in which [people] hit with sticks" (laṭh is a thick traditional staff).

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