Monday 29 January 2018

January 29 : Accountants are in the past, managers are in the present, and leaders are in the future.

On this day, 29 Jan....

1856 - Britain's highest military decoration, the Victoria Cross, was founded by Queen Victoria.

1886 - The first successful petrol-driven motorcar, built by Kanrl Benz, was patented. A three-wheeler vehicle with a Benz-designed one-cylinder four-stroke gasoline engine. This patent is recognised as the world's first patent—regarded as the birth certificate—for a practical internal combustion engine powered automobile.

1896 - Émil H. Grubbe, a Chicago researcher, became the first known to administer x-ray radiation treatment for the recurrent breast cancer of a fifty-five-year-old woman. (X-rays had been discovered the previous year in Germany).

1901 - The prolific black American inventor, Granville T. Woods, received one of his patents related to the operation of an electric railway. It applied to the kind of electric trains which take their power from conductors in the road-bed.

1924 - The first U.S. patent for an ice cream cone rolling machine was issued to Carl R. Taylor of Ohio, in which it was described as a “machine for forming thin, freshly baked wafers while still hot into cone shaped containers” for ice-cream.

1960 - An artificial kidney that operates without human monitoring was announced.

1987 - "Physician’s Weekly" announced that the smile on the face of Leonardo DeVinci's Mona Lisa was caused by a... "facial paralysis resulting from a swollen nerve behind the ear."

1992 - India and Israel decide to establish full diplomatic relations.

1993 - A daughter received lung material from both her mother and father to treat the effects of cystic fibrosis. This operation, performed in Los Angeles by Dr. Starnes at USC University Hospital, was the first in the world double-lobar living related transplant.

1998 - For the first time, a top tobacco company executive acknowledged the health risk of tobacco products under oath to US Congress. This testimony by Steven Goldstone, RJR Nabisco chairman and CEO, came at a hearing where industry leaders pushed Congress to enact a $368.5 billion deal giving them partial immunity from future lawsuits. As recently as 1994, seven tobacco industry executives had stood before the House Commerce Committee and sworn nicotine is not addictive.

1999 - Paris prosecutors announced the end of the investigation into the accident that killed Britain's Princess Diana.

2013 - For the first time since launching Google Maps, Google extends its data coverage of North Korea, filling in previously blank areas on most of the country with detailed maps that identify landmarks.


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1896 - Swami Paranabananda Brahamachari, founder of `Bharat Sevashram Sangha'.


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1597 - Pratap Singh, Maharana of Mewar.

Image result for Piloo Mody

1983 - Piloo Mody, veteran Parliament member and senior leader of Janata Party.

You may have known....

Humans leave our mark on the planet in all sorts of weird ways. For example, nuclear tests in the 1950s threw a dusting of radioactivity into the atmosphere. Those radioactive particles eventually fell as rain and snow, and some of that precipitation got trapped in glaciers, where it forms a little "you are here" layer for scientists trying to date the age of glacial ice.

SEBI likely to tighten the net worth norms ,ease directorship conditions,and introduce
New shareholding rules for stock exchanges,depositories and clearing corp.

Jio to raise up to $2.2bn debt to fund Rcom deal.

Union budget to focus on kick starting investments.

The Govt has asked public sector banks to reduce corporate loan exposure.

Arcelor Mittal and Nippon tied are teaming up to jointly bid for bankrupt Essar steel.

SEBI asked brokers to collect more margin money from clients as stocks climb higher.

Several overseas funds investing in Indian bonds and debt funds through Mauritius route may face IT dept. scrutiny on the ground of beneficial ownership.

As dollar dips,exporters buy Euro and Pound futures.

Leadership changes likely in some PSB's.

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