Friday 26 January 2018

January 26 : Life seems to be fashioned and formed best out of the obstacles that seem unbearable.


On this day, 26 Jan....

1697 - Isaac Newton received and solved Jean Bernoulli’s brachistochrone problem. The Swiss mathematician Bernoulli had challenged his colleagues to solve it within six months. Newton not only solved the problem before going to bed that same night, but in doing so, invented a new branch of mathematics called the calculus of variations. Newton, age 55, sent the solution to be published, at his request, anonymously. But the brilliant originality of the work betrayed his identity, for when Bernoulli saw the solution he commented, “We recognize the lion by his claw.”

1784 - Benjamin Franklin expresses unhappiness over eagle as America's symbol. The bald eagle looked more like a turkey, which prompted Franklin to compare the two birds as a symbol for the United States.

1875 - George F. Green of Kalamazoo, Michigan, patented the electric dental drill for sawing, filing, dressing and polishing teeth, described as an "electromagnetic dental tool".

1905 - The world's largest gem-quality diamond was discovered in the Premier mine in Transvaal (a British crown colony that later became part of South Africa). It weighed 3,106 carats, or about 1-1/3 pounds, and was named the Cullinan Diamond in honour of Sir Thomas Cullinan, owner of the mining company.

1911 - Glenn Curtiss piloted the first hydroplane flight at North Island, San Diego, California, with a successful take-off from water and landing on water, rose six feet and flew about two or three hundred yards.

1926 - 1st public demonstration of television by John Logie Baird in his laboratory in London.

1929 - Indian National Congress proclaims goal for India's independence.

1950 - India became a Republic within the British Commonwealth, ceasing to be a British dominion. Constitution of India goes into effect.

1950 - Government of India accepted the National Emblem. It consisted of Head of Lion which is taken from Ashok pillar situated near Sarnath. (The Lion Capital was erected in the third century BC by Emperor Ashoka to mark the spot where Buddha first proclaimed his gospel of peace and emancipation to the four quarters of the universe).

1965 - Hindi Language is accepted as National language of India.

1997 - Delhi becomes the first state in India to enforce a ban on smoking in all public places.

1997 - Government prohibits manual scavenging and construction of dry latrines in six states (AP, Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tripura, West Bengal) and all UTs.

1997 - Mizoram becomes a dry state, the fourth, after Gujarat, AP and Haryana.

2001 - An earthquake hits Gujarat, causing more than 20,000 deaths.


1927 - Air Chief Marshall Laxman Madhav Katre, former Air Chief.

1957 - Shivlal Nandlal Yadav, cricketer (Indian off-spinner 102 Test wickets 1979-87).


1992 - Bharat Bhushan, the legendary romantic film hero of the 1950's.

2012 - Kartar Duggal, writer.


2010 - James Cameron's film, Avatar, surpasses his 1997 film Titanic, and becomes the highest grossing film of all time.

You may have known....

The lowest point on land, however, is relatively accessible. It's the Dead Sea between Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. The surface of this super-salty lake is 1,388 feet (423 m) below sea level.

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