Tuesday 6 March 2018

March 6 : If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

On this day, 06 Mar....

1646 - The first patent for any machine in the New World was issued by the Pilgrim Bay Colony to Joseph Jenkes, Massachussets with these words: “The Cort, considering the necessity of raising such manufactures of engines of mils to go by water, for speedy dispatch of much workes with few hands, & being sufficiently informed of the ability of the petions to pforme such workes, grant his petition (yt no othr pson shall set up or use any such new invention or trade for fourteen yeares, without the licence of him, the said Joseph Jenkes”

1775 - Raghunath Rao signed a treaty of Surat with British ending the first Anglo-Maratha War.

1831 - Edgar Allen Poe removed from West Point military academy. (Poe was the famous author of many horror stories. Rumour is that he reported for drill wearing belts for his cartridges, a smile and nothing else. According to some sources, this is not true. But will the legend of him appearing naked on parade ever die?).

1896 - The first appearance of an auto on the streets in Detroit occurred when Charles Brady King drove his "Horseless Carriage" down one of its main streets. When his auto broke down, speculators responded by telling him to "get a horse".

1899 - Acetylsalicylic acid was patented by Felix Hoffmann. It is better known by its trade name as Aspirin. He had successfully created a chemically pure and stable form of acetylsalicylic acid in 1897. His handwritten laboratory notes suggested: “Through its physical characteristics such as a sour taste without any corrosive effect, acetylsalicylic acid has an advantage over salicylic acid and will, therefore, be tested for its usability in this context.” His success was Aspirin - a better pain reliever for his father's rheumatoid arthritis than the salicylic acid previously used, which had an unpleasant taste and side effects, such as stomach bleeding. Hoffmann had improved on the earlier impure form derived by French chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt.

1930 - General Foods put the first individually packaged frozen foods - "Birds Eye Frosted Foods" - on sale in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. To test the market, the product was sold in 18 retail stores to see how consumers react to frozen foods. Clarence Birdseye got his idea after seeing Canadians thawing and eating naturally frozen fish. From 1922, he prepared frozen fish for sale, and developed freezing processes. By 1927, he turned his attention to a wider range of foods. The initial Birds Eye line featured 26 items, including 18 cuts of frozen meat, spinach and peas, a variety of fruits and berries, blue point oysters and fish fillets. By May, sales increased dramatically. This experiment is considered the birth of retail frozen foods.

1950 - Silly Putty was introduced as a toy by Peter Hodgson, a marketing consultant, who packaged one-ounce portions of the rubber-like material in plastic eggs. It could be stretched, rolled into a bouncing ball, or used to transfer colored ink from newsprint. The original discovery was made in 1943 by James Wright who combined silicone oil and boric acid at the laboratories of General Electric. He was researching methods of making synthetic rubber, but at the time no significant application existed for the material. However, it was passed around as a curiosity. Hodgson saw a sample and realized its potential simply for entertainment and coined its name for marketing it as a toy. Its popularity made him a millionaire.

1961 - 1st London minicabs introduced.

1971 - Test debut of Sunil Gavaskar vs West Indies at Port-of-Spain.

1982 - Susan Birmingham makes loudest recorded human shout (120 dB).

1991 - Chandrasekhar resigns as Indian PM.

1994 - In Biosphere 2, a glass-enclosed ecosystem, a group of seven people from five countries began a new study in self-contained living. Their aim was to live within the structure, supported by the several simulated types of ecosystems therein, to provide information which may be applied to solving ecological problems created by man. Biosphere 2 was built in the desert outside of Oracle, Arizona.

1997 - Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC) inaugurated in Mauritius.

2000 - India and China begin the first ever bilateral security dialogue in Beijing on global and regional issues of mutual interest.


1475 - Michelangelo Buonarroti, an Italian artist, and architect knew primarily for his works of art, but he also prepared extremely accurate anatomical drawings of the human body. 
1508 - Emperor Humayun, son of Babar.


1900 - Gottlieb (Wilhelm) Daimler was a German engineer and pioneer automobile manufacturer. He invented the first high-speed internal combustion engine and a carburetor (1885) to mix petrol fuel and air.

1929 - David Dunbar Buick, Scottish-American inventor and automobile manufacturer who was a pioneer in the industry. He invented the more powerful valve-in-head engine and the windshield.


1808 - 1st college orchestra in the U.S. founded, at Harvard.

1964 - Liz Taylor's 4th divorce (Eddie Fisher).

You may have known....

Hyperion is the tallest tree in the world. It’s 379 ft tall, and approximately 700-800 years old.

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