Wednesday 14 March 2018

March 14 : Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.

On this day, 14 Mar....

1794 - Eli Whitney was issued a U.S. patent for his cotton gin. His invention replaced much processing by hand labor and revolutionized the textile industry. Cotton became commercially important in the southern US, with a resulting demand for slaves to tend the fields and harvest the cotton crops.

1839 - Sir John Herschel referred to “photography” in a lecture to the Royal Society—possibly the first use of the word.

1899 - Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin was issued a U.S. patent for his invention of his “Navigable Balloon,” the rigid airship, known as the Zeppelin. The overall cylindrical shape with rounded ends was covered with a cotton shell, framed with aluminum struts, wire-braced and contained a number of independent hydrogen balloons used for lift.

1913 - John D. Rockefeller gives $100 million to Rockefeller Foundation.

1931 - The first US motion picture theatre built especially for rear projection of the movie was opened in New York City.

1993 - India seeks Interpol's assistance in investigating the sources of bomb blasts in Bombay.

1998 - Sonia Gandhi takes over as the Congress(I) president from Sitaram Kesri.


1879 - Albert Einstein. A German-American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

1949 - Farida Jalal, actor.

1965 - Aamir Khan, actor, director and producer (Lagaan, PK).


1883 - Karl Marx, great journalist, chief editor, writer and social worker.

1932 - George Eastman. American inventor and industrialist who was a pioneering manufacturer of photographic materials, including rolled film and the Kodak camera.

1963 - Jainarain Vyas, freedom fighter, leader, social reformer, patriot and a noble son of India.

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Considering the importance of rains and given that we have 330 million Gods, we have one rain God as well. Varun dev is considered God of rains and whenever the monsoon is weak Varuna Yajna is performed to please God of rains.

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