Saturday 10 March 2018

March 10 : Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them.

On this day, 10 Mar....

1553 - Ambroise Paré published a second edition of his Method of Curing Wounds Made by Arquebus and Arrows   to popularise a revolutionary method he had discovered to treat the new medical problem of gunshot wounds. During the siege of Turin (1536-37), having run out of the oil used to cauterize wounds in the conventional way, Paré turned instead to simple dressings and soothing ointment, and immediately noted the improved condition of his patients. In his career, Paré wrote several important medical works which advanced the art of surgery, for which he became known as “the father of modern surgery.” 

1876 - Alexander Graham Bell made what was, in effect, the first telephone call. His assistant, Thomas Watson, located in an adjoining room heard Bell's voice over the experimental device say to him, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." This was Bell's first successful experiment with the telephone, which is recorded in the 10 Mar entry of his Lab Notebook. That same day, an ebullient Bell wrote to his father of his "great success" and speculated that "the day is coming when telegraph [phone] wires will be laid on to houses just like water and gas - and friends converse with each other without leaving home." Bell had received the first telephone patent three days before.(Later that year, Bell succeeded in making a phone call over outdoor lines).

1903 - Harry C. Gammeter, a typewriter salesman of Cleveland, Ohio patented the multigraph “duplicating machine” . It was the first successful machine in the U.S. to simplify the printing processes, so that a layman could print from type.

1910 - China ends slavery.

 1923 -  Time magazine reported the statement “You throw your geniuses in the dust heap,” made by tropical disease expert Sir Ronald Ross to the British Science Guild in London. He drew attention to two scientists that were not employed by Great Britain despite their medical accomplishments: Waldemar M. W. Haffkine who discovered methods of inoculation against cholera and Sir David Bruce who discovered the cure for sleeping sickness. He also commented that the American, Walter Reed, who linked yellow fever transmission to mosquitoes, died without knowing how his wife and children would be provided for.

1939 - 17 villages damaged by hailstones in Hyderabad.

1948 - Herbert H. Hoover became the first civilian pilot to exceed the speed of sound when he flew a Bell X-1 research aircraft at Edwards AFB, California. Instead of making its own take-off, the X-1 was loaded under the bomb bay of a B29 mother ship which carried it aloft, then released it at 20,000 feet. He reached Mach 1.065.

1969 - Indian Parliament passed the Act that made Central Industrial Security Force as an Armed Force of the union.

1991 - The Army Dental Corps celebrates its Golden Jubilee and proudly recounts its past glory.

2015 - Pakistan reinstates the death penalty for all crimes, extending a previous reinstatement only for terrorism cases; the country has had a moratorium on capital punishment since 2008 but lifted it after terrorist attacks in December 2014.


1926 - Dilbagh Singh, Air Chief Marshal, former Chief of Air Staff of Indian Air Force.

1949 - Padma Khanna, actor,dancer.

1957 - Osama bin Laden, Islamic militant and founder of al-Qaeda.


37 - Tiberius Claudius Nero, Roman emperor.

1984 - IS Johar, actor. He was an idiosyncratic individual, a lifelong liberal (if not a libertine: he had five marriages, an extraordinary number by Indian standards, both then and now) who poked fun at all forms of institutionalised self-satisfied smugness. He also wrote and directed films. Yash Chopra started his film career as an assistant director with I. S. Johar.

You may have known....

The North Star will change…eventually. The North Star used for navigation, a steady point in the night sky will change, however not in our lifetime. The Earth is rotating like a spinning top and therefore the pole of our planet wobbles. Currently it points to Polaris but in the year 13727 our Pole Star will be the star Vega, in the constellation of Lyra. Vega was the also North Star in 12000BCE. 

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