Saturday 20 January 2018

January 20 : No true leader burdened his followers with a greater load than they could carry, and no true leader sets too fast a pace for his follows to keep up.

On this day, 20 Jan....

1265 - The first English parliament met in Westminster Hall.

1841 - The island of Hong Kong was ceded to Great Britain. (It returned to Chinese control in July 1997).

1892 - The first official basketball game was played by students at the Springfield, YMCA, Massachusettes, Training School. (The history of basketball began with its invention in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith to condition young athletes during the cold. The objective of the game was to throw the basketball into the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony).

1914 - The first group of Transvaal Indian women satyagrahis are released from Pietermaritzburg Prison in South Africa after three months imprisonment.

1929 - The movie "In Old Arizona", the first full-length talking film to be filmed outdoors, was released. The black and white Western was a box-office hit. A review in the New York Times particularly noted the welcome new consideration that the sound of galloping grew fainter and fainter into the distance.

1937 - 20th January was set as the date for the swearing in of the US President and Vice President.

1948 - Bomb exploded near Birla House during a prayer meeting of Gandhi.

1949 - Junagarh formally merged with Saurashtra.

1972 - Manipur, Meghalaya and Tripura become states of Indian union. Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram become Union Territories. Assam's North East Frontier Agency (Nefa) was renamed as Arunachal Pradesh territory.

1981 - Iran released 52 Americans that had been held hostage for 444 days. The release occurred minutes after the US presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan.

1986 - Britain and France announced plans to build rail tunnels underneath the English Channel, the Chunnel.

1986 - New footage of the 1931 "Frankenstein" was found. The footage was originally deleted because it was considered to be too shocking.

1998 - American researchers announced they have cloned calves that may produce medicinal milk. This is a step towards the mass production of human drugs in animals. Their goal was to turn cows into drug factories, mass producing milk that contains human proteins important for treating human diseases.


1871 - Sir Ratanji Jamshedji Tata, famous Indian industrialist.

1945 - Ajit Kumar Doval, Indian National Security Adviser.


1988 - Khan Abdul Gafar Khan, follower of Mahatma Gandhi, better known as Sarhadi Gandhi or Frontier Gandhi.

2005 - Praveen Babi, actor.


1952 - In Juarez, Mexico, Patricia McCormick debuted as the first professional woman bullfighter from the United States.

You may have known....

Some scientists claim Earth has two moons currently. According to researchers reporting in the Dec. 20, 2011, issue of the planetary science journal ICARUS, a space rock at least 3.3-meter (1-meter) wide orbits Earth at any given time. They're not always the same rock, but rather an ever-changing cast of "temporary moons," say the scientists. Their theoretical model posits that our planet's gravity captures asteroids as they pass near us on their way around the sun; when one of these space rocks gets drawn in, it typically makes three irregularly shaped swings around Earth, staying with us for about nine months before hurtling on its way.

Economic news

Top banks suspend accounts of major bitcoin exchanges in India.

SAT upholds Sebi ban but PWC can complete projects.

Crypto currency investors get tax notices.

Jio post net profit at Rs 504 cr.

Uber and Ola are planning to merge.

Bull run in stock exchange continues.

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