Monday 15 January 2018

January 9 : A lion leading a hundred sheep makes a stronger battalion than a sheep leading hundred lions.

On this day, 09 Jan....

1664 - Shivaji started Surat campaign and left the city after plundering the place.

1793 - Jean Pierre Blanchard made the first successful balloon flight in the United States. Blanchard's balloon, filled with hydrogen, took off from Philadelphia, soared to 5,800 feet and eventually wound up some 15 miles away, in New Jersey. His only passenger was a small, black dog. 

1799 - Income Tax introduced in UK.

1811 - 1st documented  Women's Golf Tournament held. (At Musselburgh Golf Club in Scotland).

1816 -  Sir Humphry Davy's safety lamp was first used in a coal mine. Deadly explosions had been a continual hazard caused by the flammable gas, methane, leaking out of the coal seams ignited by the flame of a miner's lamp. There had been previous attempts by others to make a safety lantern. Davy applied a scientific approach to determine the suitable fineness of wire gauze placed around the flame which would avoid ignition of flammable gas outside. He determined that the holes in the gauze should be less than 1/22 inch in diameter, and that the wire itself should be between 1/40 to 1/60 inch thick. Since the flame changed colour in the presence of methane, it also served as a warning to the miner to take protective action.

1901- The first application for a patent for Meccano was submitted, as "Improvements in toy or educational devices for children and young people. Known at first as "Mechanics Made Easy," this invention of Frank Hornby became a worldwide success.

1915 - Gandhiji reached Bombay on his return from South Africa. He became a member of the Indian National Congress. He was awarded Kaiseri-e-Hind Gold Medal for Ambulance service on Jan, 11.

1936 - Semi-automatic rifles adopted by U.S. army.

1996 - PM unveils India's state-of-the-art Main Battle Tank (MBT) 'Arjun' at a New Delhi function.

2003 - Parvasi Bharti Divas was started. It is a celebratory day observed annually on 9 January by the Republic of India to mark the contribution of the overseas Indian community towards the development of India. (The day was chosen to mark the return of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa to India in 1915 - see above).


1889 - Dr. Vrindavanlal Varma, famous Hindi writer and social reformer. He mainly wrote historical and social novels, most famous being "Mriganainee".

1922 -   H. Gobind Khorana. Also called Hargobind Khorana  was an Indian-American biochemist who shared the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Marshall W. Nirenberg and Robert W. Holley.

1927 - Sundarlal Bahuguna, a noted Garhwali environmentalist, Chipko movement leader and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of Non-violence and Satyagraha.

1938 - CP Ramanujam, mathemetician.

1965 - Farah Khan, film director.

1974 - Farhan Akhtar, film director.

1983 - Kalki Koechlin, actor.


1324 - Marco Polo. He was an Italian merchant traveller and citizen of the Venice Republic whose travels are recorded in Livres des merveilles du monde, a book that introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China.

1945 - Chhotu Ram, politician. He was a prominent politician in British India's Punjab Province, an ideologue of the Jat community and a champion of its interests. He was knighted in 1937 and was a co-founder of the National Unionist Party.

1996 - Fearless Nadia, actor. Mary Ann Evans, also known by her married name Mary Evans Wadia and her stage name Fearless Nadia was an actress and stuntwoman, who is most remembered as the masked, cloaked adventurer in Hunterwali.

2003 - Qamar Jalalabadi, screenwriter.

You may have known....

The majority of Earth's fresh water is locked up in Antarctica.

Post Source : Lt. Gen. Raj Singh Kadian (Whatsapp)

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